Company's profile
History and present
The history of the firm BENEKOV goes back to 1949 when an engineering and production company was established, specializing in metalworking. Since 1951, the workshop has become a part of the state enterprise DAKON. The main production content was the production of components for heating equipment. In 1991 the workshop was privatized and renamed BENEKOV and has become a purely Czech family firm, under the leadership of its owner Leopold Benda.
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Leopold BendaExecutive director, CEO |
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Ing. Leopold BendaSales Director |
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PhDr. Klára Seitlová, Ph.D.HR, Marketing |
The firm is located on the outskirts of the town of Horní Benešov which is interconnected to Bruntál, Krnov, Opava and Ostrava. We are located between lake and mountains of Jeseniky with beautiful nature around.
At present, BENEKOV belongs to a significant group of European firms which deal with coal and biomass burning.
In the second half of the 90's we entered the market with our own final products, boilers for lump wood "pyroling" series and automatic coal boilers "ling" series.
After gaining experience with coal burning, we developed a boiler for biomass in 2002, BENEKOV pelling 27. The boiler is designed for the effective, reliable and comfortable burning of wood pellets and grain.
In order to succeed amongst western European competition, in 2006 we developed with the cooperation with our Danish partners, a new boiler line using the control unit with the lambda sensor for its operation. The new R line was certified on burning wood pellets and grain.
Due to long-term demand for wood chips burning, we introduced a new line of BENEKOV S boilers in 2008. They are intended for wood chips burning, wood shavings, cuttings etc.
The Czech boilers BENEKOV are running by more than 30.000 customers in more than 30 countries of the world and the total installed output of all our units is almost 800 MW. Our boilers heat up family houses, schools, hospitals, production facilities, farms, gas stations, churches and many other types of buildings from United Kingdom, through Czech Republic up to the faraway Australia.
A great deal of our investments constitutes research. Since 1998 we have been cooperating with significant research centers and universities throughout Europe, especially with the Energy Centre in Ostrava. For our research and development activities we have received several prices, including the diplomas from the Czech ministry of industry and the Czech ministry of environment.
Besides production of boilers we also deal with the nature. We have small farm where we grow different cereals. Besides that we grow up own fast growing trees which we want to use for heating of our buildings. Besides that we contribute to the nature by building small water ponds, wetlands and we have also planted more than 20.000 trees over the last 5 years. We aim to change the area of approximately 200 hectars from the indistrial farming where one cereal has been planted on more than 50 hectars pieces of land to the old-time model, where each plant is grown on small pieces of land up to 5 hectars, surrounded by trees, bushes and having enough water resources nearby.
The greatest emphasis is put on the flexibility and adjustment of the products for our customers, the development of new technologies, and top-class services distributors and final customers.
Firm's values
We are focused on both the continuous improvement and adjustment of our products and our firm which enables us to remain at the top of our field. We cooperate with significant research centers. Every year, we register many useful, innovative and industrial models.
We are ready to adjust quickly to new conditions in the market, changes in legislation and other influences. During meetings with our partners we look for flexible solutions that allow us to meet their requirements quickly. We look for individual "tailor-made" approaches for our customers.
We are ready to listen to the requirements of our partners outside and inside our firm. We are interested in other people's opinions. We learn from them and try to continuously improve the quality of our work.
Cooperation with the surroundings
We believe that a company is not a closed unit and to work well it has to be active with its surroundings. We support different cultural and sport activities within our region, sponsor different civic organizations and sports clubs, and have done so over a long period of time.
Highly qualified and educated team of colleagues
Success can only be for those who continue to learn new things and look for possibilities of how to improve themselves and the surroundings. We invest in the education of our employees and introduce principles of lean production in our firm. We believe it is the way how to meet the wishes of our customers the best we can.

BENEKOVterm s. r. o.
Masarykova 402
793 12 Horní Benešov
Show on: Google Maps |
IČ: 258 39 811
DIČ: CZ258 39 811
Telephone exchange
Tel: +420 771 289 399
Zákaznický servis - fotovoltaika
Tel: +420 778 880 509
Contact persons
Manažerka obchodního úseku, marketing, zákaznický servis


Strojírenská výroba, kooperace

Fotovoltaika Benekov ESCO


Family company

60 years in heating technology

100 employees

6 showrooms in CZ

Most efficient boilers on market

Flexible service
Benekov - firma s tradicí
Zkušenost, inovace, flexibilita, komunikace a moderní řešení šitá na míru našim zákazníkům. To je Benekov, výhradně česká firma s tradicí od roku 1949.
Nejlepší dostupnétechnologie Komplexní řešení
výroby energií Nejlepší technické
na českém trhu Špičkový servis
po celé ČR Česká firma
a tradice
od roku 1949 Vlastní výzkum
Moderní technologie Benekov
Využíváme nejmodernější technologie. Nabízíme nejlepší technické řešení na českém trhu. Máme vlastní výzkumné a vývojové středisko.
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